

Gino González: “Prevention reduces vulnerability”


Vulcanologist Gino González issues a warning of the need to transmit knowledge about volcano activity, especially in a country as hugely volcanic as Costa Rica.

The president of "Volcanes sin Fronteras Costa Rica", Gino González, reported on the work by his NGO, which sets out, "like the congress, to share knowledge about volcanoes in order to reduce the vulnerability of the population and improve standards of living in volcanic environments". In his case, Costa Rica, a country with more than 200 volcanoes which generate different types of ecosystems, "a rich offer which brings in millions of visitors". According to Gino, 60% of those who go to his country visit a volcano.

“We live among volcanoes, and I think we're aware of the risk we take in doing so, but we're also aware of the benefits", he explained, listing, among others, the advantages in product formats and gastronomy, or in the production of energy thanks to volcanic soil. The adult population are aware; young people must also be aware. 

“At Volcanes sin Fronteras we work with the youngest to change their perception of volcanoes". They do this with activities and guided tours of volcanoes, and it looks as if they are succeeding. González showed two drawings to prove his point. “We ask them to draw a volcano before the activity, and draw it again afterwards. The drawings are different. The second drawings are more human, less intimidating. They've understood that volcanoes are part of us, and that we can live with them".

This, he summed up, "is about generating prevention, which reduces vulnerability. Generating resilience and improving standards of living", without concealing the dangers of volcanoes: “We can work and make preparations, but when the volcano erupts, it needs its space. And we have to give it that space. To put it simply, we have to be prepared”.





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